Tuesday, April 12, 2016


When I look at modern art, I have no idea what to think. The first thing I do is question why it is worth as much as it is and then try to figure out what it is the artist tried to express. It is very odd.

Alexandre Desplat's score for Argo is what I would place in that category. Although the cinematic feel is very immersive, the bizarre, "panting" I guess, of people makes the music new and, well, modern. While listening to the score I kept thinking how bad their hiccups must have been afterwards.

I have never seen the film or have any idea what it is about, so I cannot criticize it, but even if I did, there is something about this score that is very interesting. Reading one of the track names with this "panting" it makes some sense even if I don't know the story. The track is called "Scent of Death" and is when this new technique first appears.

Now let me do something that I have never done here. I am going to try to guess the basic plot based on the feel of the music and the names of the tracks.

At first, I thought it sounded a little Mexican, but the story must take place in the Middle East. It is about a covert mission, which ends in Iran. The artwork has the main character's eyes concealed with shredded paper behind him. It is all about secrecy, spies. It is rated PG-13.

Well, I sucked. Firstly, it is rated R. The story is about the CIA and American hostages in an Iranian airport. You can read more at Wikipedia.

Anyway, time for you to actually listen to this score.

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