This is probably some of my favorite work from Silvestri
Being a documentary about space, this is a very calming and peaceful score. I would highly recommend listening to this during work if you are not a J. S. Bach kind of person. Silvestri
Revelation of Immensity
Although the focus is on the usual 4 string instruments and brass, I love his occasional inclusion of some magical sounds of twinkling and strokes of the harp. Silvestri provides enough balance by giving us a few instances of electric sounds that really give the score some character, given the whole idea of space requires high-tech instruments. What I really think is interesting is the slight experimentation of sounds that would not usually be used for films like this as heard in Chance Nature of Existence
Although this is just the first volume, I hope that you will get the chance to listen to the next three, as I will eventually experience them for myself.
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